Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Welcome to Trinity Oaks!
Ms. Jarvis, Principal                                       Mrs. Pagano, Assistant Principal
Trinity Oaks Elementary School is truly a wonderful learning community.  Our dedicated teachers and staff work closely with our students in bringing quality education to every student.  We are committed to upholding our school Mission. We are a compassionate school family which provides a safe and inclusive learning environment that fosters growth for ALL. We are proud of the tradition of excellence that this school has established, and we look forward to working with you during the school year.
Here at Trinity Oaks, our PTO, School Advisory Council (SAC), and school staff work to provide opportunities to bring parents, students, and community members together whether it is to learn new information, participate in family fun activities, or sometimes just to celebrate our successes.  Parents are welcomed to become involved with their student’s educational journey by participating in school events and activities.  Community members are encouraged to be a part of our SAC to participate in identifying needs of our school and developing plans for improvement.  It is our goal to work collaboratively so that all stakeholders benefit from a positive working relationship.
We are proud to be Oakies and glad you are a part of our Trinity Oaks family!
Live, Learn, and Grow, Together
Trinity Oaks Mission: Trinity Oaks is a compassionate school family which provides a safe and inclusive learning environment for ALL.
Vision Statement: Live, Learn, and Grow Together!
Core Values: Appreciation – Communication – Collaboration – High Expectations – Positivity
 Pasco County Schools Success Plan 2022-23