Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at


Thank you to our Trinity Oaks Elementary School Business Partners and Sponsors!

Working with area businesses such as yours, Trinity Oaks Elementary School is able to continue providing our teachers with classroom support and supplies, the latest technology and resources, fun events for our students and families as well as continued improvements to our campus and support for all staff and departments. 

We offer many opportunities to our Business Partners, throughout the school year, to reach our families and the community.  The Business Partner agreement lists many of these opportunities and you may pick what works best for your business.

A few opportunities we offer: On a monthly basis, we invite our families to patronize local businesses. This provides families an opportunity to give back to the community and the business owners to make a donation to the school.  We have events that give business partners an opportunity to set up tables and display products and information.  We also invite local business owners to speak at the Great American Teach In during the month of November.  

Thank you for your support of Trinity Oaks Elementary School.  We look forward to working together for the betterment of the community!